* Features: Site automation, proxy support (including SOCKS), ability to change user agent, iframe support, etc...
*Coming soon: (crawling, bug-fixes, etc)
I welcome any suggestions for improvement. Cheers!
# git clone git://github.com/ninp0/hachoo.git
# gem install mechanize
# gem install addressable
# gem install socksify
# gem install rails
# cd hachoo
# ./hachoo.rb
Usage: ./hachoo.rb -u <uri> <optional_flags>-h, --help Help!
-u, --uri URI Required: Target URI
-P, --proxy-ip PROXY_IP Optional: Proxy IP
-p, --proxy-port PROXY_PORT Optional: Proxy Port
-S, --enable-socks-proxy Optional: Soxy Proxy is Foxy ;)
-a, --eval-all Optional: Evaluate All
-b, --body-eval Optional: Evaluate Body Response
-f, --forms-eval Optional: Evaluate Forms
-l, --links-eval Optional: Evaluate Links
-i, --images-eval Optional: Evaluate Images
-t, --title-eval Optional: Display Page Title
-T, --timeout SECONDS Optional: Timeout in Seconds
-U, --user-agent AGENT Optional: User Agent
Basic Example (Request will Timeout After 5 Seconds):
./hachoo.rb -u https://twitter.com/ninp0 -a -T 5
Intermediate Example:
Start a MITM Proxy (e.g. BurpSuite, Paros, etc.)
java -Xmx512m -jar burpsuite.jar
Now perform a Request on the URL Below via the MITM Proxy:
./hachoo.rb -P '' -p 8080 -u 'http://hang4r.blogspot.com'
Advanced Example:
Start a SOCKS Server vis SSH:
ssh -v -v -v -NCD user@remote_ssh_host
Use hachoo.rb to Search for WordPress Sitesi
through a SOCKS Proxy via Google Trickery:
./hachoo.rb -S -P '' -p 8443 -u 'http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&q=inurl:wp-content%20site:wordpress.org' -l
Kung-Fu Example:
Use hachoo.rb to Follow ninp0 on Twitter via Pipe-Delimited Stacked Requests (Replace USERNAME & PASSWORD in Example Below):
Despite the 404 Response for this Stacked Request ninp0 will be Followed...
./hachoo.rb -u 'https://mobile.twitter.com/login>>>submit>>>username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD|https://mobile.twitter.com/ninp0>>>get|https://mobile.twitter.com/ninp0/follow>>>submit>>>last_url=/ninp0'